West German HiFi Days 2014
West German HiFi Days 2014 10/4-5/2014 Bonn, Germany Great review and report of the SMB-02 by Fidelity Magazin in Germany and from our German/Austrian distributor AviTech at the West German HiFi Days 2014 in Bonn on October 4th and 5th 2014!
2014年10月4日-5日 ドイツBonnで開催されたWest German HiFi Days 2014でphononのドイツ/オーストリアでのディストリビュータAvitechからドイツのFidelty MagazinでSMB-02でのとても良いレヴュー&レポートが届きました!
http://www.avitech.at/en/distribution/shows.php?showid=77 http://www.microsofttranslator.com/bv.aspx?from=&to=en&a=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fidelity-magazin.de%2Freportagen%2Fwestdeutsche-hifi-tage-2014%2F Speaking of: as always to offer the best coffees of throughout the show, Avitech, which had sales of Bryston, surprised but also with a professional headphones by Phonon. This optically and haptically rather unobtrusive sound cap from Japan left a such good sound and comfort impression (even without exposure to caffeine), that FIDELITY itself will deal immediately. (Fidelity Magazin)