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CanJam trade show 2014

* canJam 2014 The SMB-02 were very well welcomed at the specialised hi end&HiFi headphone CanJam trade show in Essen, Germany on September 20/21 at our dealer AviTech (for Austria, Germany and Southern Eastern Europe) booth. Thank you so much AviTech for your support!

9/20-21にドイツ、Essenで開催されたhi end&HiFi専門のヘッドフォン・トレード・ショーCanJamでのphononのオーストリア+ドイツ+南東ヨーロッパのディーラーAviTechでのブースでSMB-02の反応はとても良かったです。AviTechサポートどうもありがとうございます!


後記 CanJam show 9/20-21/2014 Essen, Germany

9/20-21にドイツ、Essenで開催されたhi end&HiFi専門のヘッドフォン・トレード・ショーCanJamでのphononのオーストリア+ドイツ+南東ヨーロッパのディーラーAviTechでのブースでSMB-02の反応はとても良かったです。AvitechのEdvard Potiskさんから以下のレポートが届きました。 AvitechブースでSMB-02 2台の試聴ステーションを設置: 1. CDプレイヤー、へッドフォン・アンプに外付けのPSUの6.3mmのJackプラグにSMB-02をコネクト 2. Digital Audioプレイヤー、PSU無しのヘッドフォン・アンプに4-pin XLRでsymmetricalにSMB-02をコネクト 全ての電子機器はBrystonからです。 リスナーの皆さんはやはりunsymmetricalとsymmetricalの違いを直に理解してくれました。 土、日の二日間で約1000人の人達がブースを訪れてくれました。 HiFiとHi Endリスナーがメインで、プロAudioは少数でした。 SMB-02より値段が高い皆さんがお馴染みのあるスタンダード・ヘッドフォンを用意しながら、SMB-02の評価が最終的に一番高かったです! おめでとうございます!!

The SMB-02 were very well welcomed at the specialised hi end&HiFi headphone CanJam trade show in Essen, in Germany on September 20/21 at our dealer AviTech (for Austria, Germany and Southern Eastern Europe) booth. Here is Edvard Potisk from Avitech’s report: We had two listening stations on one table. The first system was with a CD-Player and headphone amplifier with an external PSU where the SMB-02 was connected via 6,3mm jack plug. The second system was the Digital Audio Player, D/A converter and the headphone amplifier without PSU, here the SMB-02 was connected symmetrical with a 4-pin XLR. All electronics by Bryston. Here I have to state that it is a clear difference between unsymmetrical and symmetrical connection, this was confirmed by every listener. The CanJam show was on Saturday and Sunday, approx. 1000 maybe even more visitors. The visitors of the show are mostly HiFi and High End listeners, just very few pro-audio people or DJ’s showed up. The SMB-02 DOES polarise! Which is absolutely fine, because this means that the Phonon is not an average or simple mainstream product with a good price/performance ratio – the Phonon is more. We offered our listeners also other well known headphones for comparison with the SMB-02, and most of the listeners were impressed by the SMB-02, most preferred the SMB-02. – we received a lot of compliments for them: congratulations – well done! www.avitech.at